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Micro Air - Fume Extraction | Odor Reduction

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Most Micro Air® air cleaners and dust collectors are designed to accept optional after-filter for odor control. Both source capture and ambient air capture methods are used to achieve substantial reduction of odors and gasses in the industrial workplace.

MT1251 with carbon in ambient air for odor control in printing application.
Odor Applications
Odor Applications

MT1251 in ambient air for odor control in printing application.

Odor Applications

MT1251 in ambient air for odor control in printing application.

OM3510 with optional carbon module to handle silk-screening odors. Custom hood design allows for source capture.
Odor Applications
Odor Applications

OM3510 with optional carbon module to handle silk-screening odors. Custom hood design allows for source capture.

Odor Applications

OM3510 with optional carbon module to handle silk-screening odors. Custom hood design allows for source capture.

SC150 dual arm unit for source capture of odors.
Odor Applications
Odor Applications

SC150 dual arm unit for odor control using source capture.

Odor Applications

SC150 dual arm unit for odor control using source capture.

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