Intelli-Touch® Energy Savings Control Panel can give you big savings on energy and filter replacement...and it's only available from Micro Air®.
The touch-screen controls feature online monitoring and tracking of all pertinent electrical and performance data related to the dust collection system. With a built-in variable frequency drive and PLC, the system airflow can be adjusted at the touch of the screen or can be set to run at a constant CFM no matter what the system static pressure.
Intelli-Touch® Energy Savings Control Panel can give you big savings on energy and filter replacement...and it's only available from Micro Air®.
The touch-screen controls feature online monitoring and tracking of all pertinent electrical and performance data related to the dust collection system. With a built-in variable frequency drive and PLC, the system airflow can be adjusted at the touch of the screen or can be set to run at a constant CFM no matter what the system static pressure.
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